Brain Scanning – Variables & Interpreta...

The Twitter-verse has lately beat with a rhythm of regularity regarding fMRI, PET Scans and brain scanning in general.  (This new world precursor of things to come isn’t new.)  Each morning I see links to more articles, videos, etc. about how this technology continues to creep into the mainstream.  The prevalence lately, not only on the corners of the web I call home, but also in real life talking to several individuals engaged in some of these process, has made me wonder what’s going on now.

A combination of Star Trek, Brazil and 1984, the technology is a bit “brave, new world” – and while I can understand some of the benefits to mental health (if/when they ever get it to an objective level), there is, as with everything, a huge potential for abuse.  Right now, I’m not sure we are ready for it.  Although…it might have actually convinced my ex-wife there was a brain in there…but much like the concerns around mapping the human genome, I have concerns about what could happen down the line.